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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Knoptop and my wife's crafting save my monopod

    Thanks to a tip from Knoptop, and my wife's interest in craft projects, I didn't have to get a new monopod.

    On a trip to Seattle last year, the top came off the quick-release plate of my monopod. I have yet to figure out how it happened, but the top padding was gone from the plate, the tripod screw was falling out and the camera wasn't sitting as secure as before.

    I jerry-rigged it using tape, but it wasn't a perfect situation. At that point, I thought I had two options: Try to find a new quick-release plate (next to impossible) or buy a new monopod.

    But while watching Knoptop's video on his PVC shoulder rig I found a solution. He recommended using craft foam to better seat the camera in the mount.

    I asked my wife if she had any foam in her craft materials, and she did. So, with a pair of scissors, an Xacto knife and a hot-glue gun, I was able to make a new pad that has worked just as well as the original.

    And if there's another mishap, the repair will be quick and cost a fraction of a new monopod.

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